Friday, September 27, 2019

Children VS Television Programs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Children VS Television Programs - Essay Example topic is debatable as there are pros and cons of watching television, but by watching adult programs, children are liable to commit sexually inapt activities or violence. Such programs do not hold any intrinsic worth. However, prohibiting children from watching such programs generate curiosity and revulsion thereby making children delinquent. Convincingly, parental judgment is required to inculcate wisdom for decision making outlook. Such attitude provides significant social benefit. Observing acts of violence or sex hampers the cognitive psychological development in so doing, children become desensitized for such actions. Watching TV for hours together everyday diverts interest of children, they keep pondering about the acts they saw on the television, consequently they are likely to be less active, perform less physical work, read only a few books or hardly they manage to finish their homework or study schedule, likely to be overweight and have poor grades in school. In the modern society violence, race, sexuality, gender, alcohol and drug abuse, attitudes and overwhelming behaviors are prevailing, similar situations are displayed in the television programs to a greater scope and magnitude which are perceived as "safe and acceptable" by the children. Parents should keep a check on children while they are watching television programs, they should encourage discussions with children and should mention positive behavior encompassing friendship, co-operation and concern. Parents should discuss personal and family values that relate to the television program including the consequences of violence being d isplayed. Parents must discuss the impact of advertisements and purchasing, and should encourage children to involve in hobbies and sports

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